
Hello Class 8.
Welcome to your new class!
I would love to hear from you!
Mrs Jones

Wednesday 22 December 2010

Nadolig Llawen everybody!

Hope you are all safe and well and enjoying the snow. Lots of snow photos and stories/ poems please to help us start off our topic on Weather in January! Hope you all have lots of fun and a good rest too. It's been a great term - looking forward to the next one! Diolch yn fawr for all your Christmas gifts - hope Santa brings all you have asked for!
Nadolig Llawen!
Mrs Decaro

Friday 10 December 2010

Da iawn ! Ardderchog! Bendigedig!

What a fabulous end to a fabulous week.....First of all - a great big well done to all of you for a wonderful concert performance - I was so proud of you all.....Well done for booming voices, and confident singing.......also for all of you who stepped in to take the parts of children who were ill. Diolch yn fawr to you parents for super alien costumes- and for all who helped dress/ undress- your help was appreciated! 
You all thoroughly deserved the huge treat we had today with our special trip organised by Mr Jerry Lockett! Diolch yn FAWR! We visited the Doctor Who exhibition, walked around the bay, played in the playground, visited  the Coal Exchange and picnicked there, then visited Penarth marina, watched some boats go through the lock, walked briskly over the barrage and back! Parents - I'm sure your children will all be "wedi blino" tonight!
Let's hope we will all be in school next week to enjoy some well deserved Christmas fun ....
Mrs Decaro

Wednesday 1 December 2010

Bethel Baptist visit - Christmas wrapped up!

What a fun time we had in Bethel, Pontyclun. There were puppets, puzzles, craft and cookery - also we learnt a new song for Christmas and we sang a few of ours. I hope mums and dads enjoyed the mince pies made by the children too! I was very proud of all Year 2 - and a big diolch yn fawr goes to Mrs Chick, Alun and the gang for inviting us!
Don't forget your concert costumes tomorrow or Friday! We plan to get dressed on Friday to see what we all look like- and take some group and class photos! I can't wait to see the aliens!!!! Hope I wont be scared!
Hwyl fawr!
Mrs Decaro

Saturday 20 November 2010

Alien alert!

I hope you have all been learning your words for the concert! This week we will be working on the action - hope you have been trying out your alien moves and laughs? I am looking forward to putting it all together now - hope you are having fun with the costumes- please drop in if you have any problems- or ideas!
See you Monday! Have a great weekend! Hwyl!
Mrs Decaro
P.S. well done on the homework task- maps from home to school. We will be talking about them and sharing our maps next week...

Friday 22 October 2010

Happy half term!

What  busy end to a busy half term! Freaky Friday it was indeed! We had a great Winnie the witch day, with dressing up, making Wilbur faces with moving eyes, building Winnie's house, making chalk pictures of Winnie, decorating cup cakes with Winnie themed sweet-art and of course- ducking apples!
Da iawn everybody for participating so well!
Da iawn Adam Jones - seren yr wythnos for helping others to make their Wilbur faces- and giving instructions to others so clearly.....
Great homework too, everybody - some really interesting stories about life long ago.....
have a lovely half term holiday everybody...gwyliau hapus!
Mrs Decaro

Saturday 16 October 2010

St Fagans

What a great trip on Thursday! The autumn colours were magnificent, the sun was shining and we saw and learnt lots.
Next week is full of planned activities, it is sure to fly by! On Monday, the sponsored walk, Tuesday the harvest performance for parents and PTA parties, Wednesday - photographs,Thursday our school harvest festival ...On Friday we are holding our first Freaky Friday - when the children in the class plan  their own activities to match our this space....
Da iawn Steffan Munn- seren yr wythnos this week for impressing us with his Welsh chat- he says he has been practising with his father- da iawn Mr Munn!

Friday 8 October 2010

What is it? Take a guess!

We had great fun this week identifying artefacts from kitchens of long ago - there were some very thoughtful guesses! Well done too for the fabulous posters created at home for our estate agent role play...I'm so glad you all enjoyed your first tasks!
Da iawn Sophie Grenfell, our seren yr wythnos- for always being so polite and doing her best at all times!
Don't forget our trip  to St Fagans on Thursday  - packed lunch and coat with a hood, please!
Mrs Decaro

Sunday 3 October 2010

House designs

You should see our junk houses coming along - we have worked in teams and so far we have wallpapered and carpeted our rooms - using our personally designed wallpaper - watch out Laurence Llewellyn Bowen- we have some children after your job! We are ready to make the furniture this week...
We also have some artefacts from old kitchens to identify - I wonder if we'll manage to work them all out?
Da iawn William Simmonds - seren yr wythnos last week - for always doing his best at everything - and Ryan Davey on Friday - for being a very vigilant "litter policeman" in the dinner hall- keep it up!
Ta ta tan toc!
Mrs Decaro

Sunday 26 September 2010

A busy week!

We all really enjoyed this week - the line dancing was exciting (there was a lot of concentrating going on!) and Mrs Crawford Jones has agreed to come back again on Tuesday! The dolls' houses were fantastic - diolch Mrs Scaccia for bringing in your favourites- you are very clever! This week we are going to work in teams to make our own dolls' houses -planning, making, using and evaluating - should be fun! oh yes- and we have found an estate agent - Mr Rees, so we are looking forward to making an appointment with you soon...
Winnie's house is up and running - look out for the new activities added this week...and don't forget to bring your own ideas too...
We will also be learning why Christians celebrate Harvest followed by why Jewish people celebrate Sukkot - lots of new things to find out...- and your homework books go home for the first time this week - look out for the tasks and don't forget to add your comments..
Mrs Decaro

Sunday 19 September 2010

A great start!

What a great start to a new year....We are well away with our new topic- "Ble wyt ti'n byw?" and have started to set up our two role play areas- Winnie the Witch 's house in the area and an Estate Agent in the classroom. We are still looking for a real live estate agent to come and talk to us-  do you know of any?
Our two seren yr wythnos winners so far are - Max Parfitt - for great oral and written work- and Caitlin Lockett - for being ultra helpful and polite at all time! Who is next, I wonder?
An exciting week this week-  on Tuesday, Mrs Crawford Jones, Morgan's grandmother is coming to teach us how to line dance- yee ha! And on  Wednesday, Mrs Watts' mother is bringing in some doll's houses she has been renovating to tell us all about them. Don't forget to collect shoe boxes and small items of junk for us to make our group doll's houses starting next week...
We had a marvellous harvest of beans of all kinds in the Golden garden ...and we enjoyed investigating - and tasting the beans we collected. Diolch yn fawr Mrs Hewison for helping us clear the jungle that awaited us on our return to school.
That's all for now- don't forget to send me messages via the blog - especially good ideas for developing our class theme...the show and tell rota will be sent home this week - don't forget to note your date on your calendar!
Hwyl fawr!
Mrs Decaro

Thursday 2 September 2010

Croeso nol i'r ysgol!

Helo bawb! Croeso i'r dosbarth newydd- dosbarth 7.
I hope you all had a great holiday and kept safe! I am looking forward to seeing you all on Monday, bright and early , ready to settle in to year 2. It's your last year in the infants - so there is lots to learn!
I hope you are ready!
 Bring on the good times!
Mrs Decaro

Saturday 17 July 2010

Happy holidays!

Another school year over! What a fabulous year! Well done to everyone in class 7 for making it a great one. Diolch yn fawr to all you parents too for your support and encouragement. Thank you all for your generous gifts , cards and messages. Hope you all now have a lovely time over the holidays - keep safe and see you in September...
Pob hwyl a da bo'ch chi!
Mrs Decaro

Sunday 11 July 2010

Trip to Weston

What a fabulous trip - "The best trip ever" said Rhianydd Griffiths.
Why? - four reasons...
1.- The fish in the seaquarium were awesome and we were allowed to touch the rays
2. - We had a great time on the beach - lots of fun!
3.- We all had an ice cream - yum!
4. - We had the head teacher of Sikusi with us the whole day and that was AMAZING!

yes indeed- great weather, great trip- diolch yn fawr to all our helpers!

Saturday 26 June 2010

Da bo'chi Liam!

We were all sad yesterday to say goodbye to Liam Campbell who is moving with his family this weekend. The whole class nominated him as seren yr wythnos - good luck, Liam- we will miss you!
Well done everyone for your best efforts on Sports day -and da iawn Laura Pillinger for your winning sports day cover design!
Hope you are feeling better, Nicholas- keep cool, be careful and your scars will soon heal!

Tuesday 15 June 2010

Seren yr wythnos

Da iawn Jacob Lendrum for winning seren yr wythnos last Friday. Jacob is a super speller ! Ardderchog!
The vehicles are coming on nicely - some fantastic ideas! Very original!
We have been lucky with the weather this week and have been able to practice for sports every day - the sack race is our favourite, - watch out to hear who is running in what race next week.
Look out Dads- we have been writing poems for you this week - I wonder whose dad is . strong as Joe Calzage.... cuddly as a koala....... tasty as a mars bar........ funny as a joke.....?
have fun reading them!

Mrs Decaro

Saturday 29 May 2010

Diolch Mrs Rees

Thank you to Liam Rees' mother who came in to tell us all about her work as a travel agent. She gave us lots of ideas to develop our role play corner - we now have name badges, advertising posters - and our own passports! and of course we all know the Thomas Cook's slogan - "Don't just book it - Thomas Cook it!" Diolch Mrs Rees - we all learnt so much !

Gwyliau Hapus!

Hope you all enjoy a well earned holiday! Don't forget to tell your parents all about your vehicle designs so that you can collect bits and pieces ready to make it. Your designs were excellent - da iawn! Put your bits and pieces in a named carrier bag, please so that they won't get mixed up! I can't wait to see all the vehicles- racing cars, JCBs, ice cream vans, buses, ambulances, limos.....You all have great imaginations!
Have fun!
Mrs Decaro

Saturday 15 May 2010

Seren yr wythnos
This week it went to Jack Cash-James for his lovely writing- da iawn Jack!
We have started to study "Katie Morag and the Two Grandmothers" this week - and are thoroughly enjoying ourselves. How lucky are we to have Mrs Moore to help us understand some of the Scotish words- "boorach" and "croft" and "wee". We have had fun using the Beebot to move around a map of the Isle of Struay- perhaps we could make our own maps of some imaginary islands for the Beebot....We were also pleased to have the company of Amy Groves' Granmother on Thursday afternoon- hope you enjoyed yourself, Mrs Wyatt!
We are looking forward to welcome a travel agent to speak to us next Thursday - Liam Rees'mother, who works for Thomas Cook. We hope to have some ideas to develop our role play...Diolch , Mrs Rees! Looking forward to hearing all about your job...

Monday 3 May 2010

Helo bawb! Mae hi'n braf!

What a lovely weekend- the weather forecasters were quite wrong. I hope you have all enjoyed the little break and have been out and about in the sunshine. I have just returned from a lovely walk by the sea in Llantwit Major - all that fresh air ...bendigedig! Looking forward to hearing all your news tomorrow!
I hope you have all been completing your homework - don't forget to write out your address as well as learn it - you can use it then to book holidays in our Class Travel Agent- any ideas for a name?
For show and tell this term - you will be using your holiday/ day out photos and telling us all about it- no dates set but I will be keeping a record as you take part - so everyone will have a turn on the "hotseat!"
By the way I was very very proud of you last Thursday - thank you to your parents too for supporting the event.

Da bo'ch chi!

Saturday 24 April 2010

Maesybryn says "Mwlembe!"

Don't forget our African evening - Maesybryn says "Mwlwmbe!"- 6pm next Thursday. Hope you will all be in fine voice...(school uniform needed.) Bring your parents - they can hear all about our Ugandan trip and see what we have been up to last week...

Tuesday 20 April 2010

Africa week

What a fabulous start to Africa week....we all enjoyed Miss Brown the art teacher yesterday .We produced African animal pictures in the style of cave drawings - we have worked hard at these! Today we all learnt to play the samba drums- it was great fun! We were really good at it! Tomorrow we will learn about African fruits and make fruit kebabs with Mrs Bennell's class- diolch yn fawr, Mrs Bennell! In the meantime in class we have made masks, started to sew puppets of African animals, written stories about the Enormous Crocdile and lots more...
Some great homework .....Special mention to Maddy's poster, Kieran's elephant, Amy's African dog story, Ethan's zebra head, Leah's song. Well done everyone who brought something in - very interesting and varied...Hope we all enjoy the rest of the week's activities before we move on to our new theme as mentioned in the newsletter - "Oh we do like to be beside the seaside..." - more about that next week...
da bo'ch chi!
Mrs Decaro

Friday 2 April 2010

Pasg Hapus!

Pasg Hapus to you all! Mwlembe!
I hope you are enjoying the holidays and are keeping busy. I went to the cinema this week to see the new Nanny Mcphee film - it was bendigedig! - I wonder if any of you have seen it?
Have any of you been thinking about our African animal theme? I hope you have some good ideas- I can't wait to finish the Enormous Crocodile frieze when we get back...Also - look out for African animal songs and poems! Don't forget we are celebrating Africa week the second week back....
Watch out for the Easter bunny on Sunday - I hope he pays you all a visit!
Let me know what you are doing this holiday- I hope the rugby tour went well for the boys! did you win any matches?
Da bo'ch chi!
Mrs Decaro

Saturday 20 March 2010

What a great week- wythnos arbennig!

What a great week for us in class 7- our trip to Newport Wetlands was a great success-the mini beast hunt, pond dipping, bird watching and natural sculptures was all great fun.....all in glorious sunshine, we were very lucky!
On Thursday was our turn to help with the willow village - it's going to be fantastic!
The NSPCC campaign us as the class as raised the most money...da iawn! We were presented with a lovely certificate to display in our classroom...
Our African mud hut role play is now up and running - we are all trying to balance a fruit basket on our head - it looks like Celyn is the champion so far....
This week's Seren yr wythnos is Amy Groves- a true star in all ways. Her knowledge about pond life at Newport Wetlands was amazing!

Saturday 13 March 2010

Newport Wetlands

Don't forget our trip on Tuesday - remember to bring your wellies, packed lunch and waterproof coat......Diolch yn fawr to our parent volunteers- Mrs Dean, Mrs Griffiths and Mrs Clifford...hope you enjoy!
Llongyfarchiadau to Maddie Griffiths, our seren yr wythnos- she always does her best at everything - da iawn Maddie!

Wednesday 10 March 2010

NSPCC- Full stop!....SOS- name for our mud hut!

The infants had a great afternoon last Friday - working out in our activity stations gathering points for our NSPCC challenge. It was all go- skipping, egg and spoon, weaving in and out of cones, hopscotch and others- the sun was shining for us and we all enjoyed ourselves.
Da iawn Isaac - seren yr wythnos- he conquered his nerves and sang a solo in the Eisteddfod confidently - well done!
We are enthusiastically learning about Africa, especially Uganda- and are in the middle of constructing our mud hut role play. Any ideas? Artefacts to lend? We are also trying to think of a name for our hut....thinking caps on, please!

Tuesday 2 March 2010

Dydd Gwyl Dewi

What a fabulous day yesterday! What a great Eisteddfod- da iawn everybody for taking part so well. I was very proud of year 2 especially singing the song "Mynd ar y ceffyl" and reciting the poem "Fy Nheulu a fi". You were marvellous!
This year's Eisteddfod was dedicated to our friends at Sikusi Primary School...They too are proud of their traditions, culture and native language - and also love to sing ! We are enjoying sharing my photographs and memories in class - the albums will be available for any interested parents to peruse during open evenings.
Da iawn Maesybryn! Da iawn Dehewydd!

Thursday 11 February 2010

Have a great half term everybody!

Here's wishing you a lovely half term holiday! Hope you all have a great time and come back to school full of energy and enthusiasm to hear all about my exciting adventures in Mbale! If you would like to do something special for our Africa theme- why not find out all about an African animal ? You could write some facts, make up a story or poem, draw a picture , make a mask or create a 3D model or anything else that takes your fancy! It will make a fabulous display!
Da bo'ch chi - and thank you for all your good wishes for my trip!
Mrs Decaro

Sunday 7 February 2010


After enjoying learning about Shirley Bassey- (and singing "Hey Big Spender!")we will now learn about another famous Welsh lady - Laura Ashley - what can you find out about her? Can you bring in any of her clothes/ fabric? See what you can find!
Also, Miss Cridland would like you to look out for television listings in the newspaper / magazines - and bring them in to school for her lessons on digital times.
Diolch yn fawr!

Saturday 6 February 2010

Seren yr wythnos/ how many sleeps?

Da iawn Kai Bisp -seren yr wythnos this week. Kai was nominated by Miss Cridland, following a science investgation afternoon. Kai had plenty of good ideas to suggest and was able to reflect clearly on all that went on - ardderchog, Kai!

Thank you too to all the class for helping me get very excited about my half term adventure - I wish I could take you all with me.... you would experience and learn so much...I can't wait to share it all with you many sleeps left? Not many!

Thursday 4 February 2010

Year 2 Mini Music Club

What a fantastic response! We need to change the title of the club to Mega Music Club, there are so many of us. What great voices too! Please can your parents meet you at the front door at 4:15, so as not to disturb the hockey club on the junior yard. Diolch!

Saturday 30 January 2010

Looking after our world!

Llongyfarchiadau Celyn Williams - she has been elected as our class representative on our new school Eco Commitee. Celyn is passionate about looking after our world - especially animals. Well done too to all the other class members who were interested in being a member - and particularly Liam Rees who came a very close second!

Friday 29 January 2010

Seren yr wythnos

Sophie Jones is our seren yr wythnos this week - da iawn! She has been working very hard at home and at school with her reading and writing. She always tries her best at everything. Keep it up, Sophie!

Sunday 24 January 2010

Uganda flag day

Don't forget to wear a black, red or yellow top next Friday - and bring a donation for us to buy gifts for our friends in Sikusi Primary School. They have very little equipment in their school - and their greatest wish is for every child to have one pencil and notebook of their own....I hope we can make that wish come true.....The other thing they would love is a football - they make their own out of old bags and elastic bands!I can't wait to go and visit - am counting down the days......This week I have had my injections to guard against the diseases that are around in Africa - so watch my sore arm this week!

Seren yr wythnos

Da iawn Kieran Gullick - our seren yr wythnos this week! Kieran has brought in lots of materials to help with our theme- things to sell in the Welsh souvenir shop, a great poem about a ride on the train and a Shirley Bassey CD. He told us all about her and her songs! Keep it up, Kieran!

Monday 18 January 2010

nice to be back!

Isn't it nice to be back? It's great to see that everyone is eager to work hard and settle quickly into this new term. We have already started to learn our Eisteddfod poems and songs and will soon be preparing for our art and craft and handwriting entries....Well done all of you for your excellent homework - especially your snow poems - we have had fun reading them aloud to the class! Great photo of your snowman, Holly Padden! Lovely garden photos, Amy!

Wednesday 13 January 2010

Prynhawn da!

Here we go again! Mae hi'n bwrw eira eto! Hope you are enjoying this new snow! Have you made a new snowman or snow angels? Or have you been sledging? Have fun but take care....Don't forget your homework! I am looking forward to reading your snow poems. Well done Jack Cash- James and Lauren Dean ! Your poems were great! Our snow paintings, snow descriptions and snowflakes are already looking good on the window of the classroom.
See you soon!
Da bo'ch chi!
Mrs Decaro

Wednesday 6 January 2010

Bwrw eira.

Bore da!
Mae hi'n bwrw eira. Hwre! Hwre!
Mae hi'n oer iawn hefyd. Brrrrrr!
Ydych chi'n cael hwyl yn yr eira?

Spring term's theme!

Our theme this Spring term is "Our Precious world- from Wales to Africa. It is of course based on the lead up to celebrating St David' s Day and the exciting adventure for Mrs Decaro in February half term - her visit to meet our friends in Sikusi Primary School, Mbale, Uganda.
To begin we will study the Big Book - "Woolly Wendy and the Snowdon Lily". We will be gathering ideas to transform our role play corner into the Snowdon Summit cafe - Hafod Eryri. What do you think they would sell there? Welsh souvenirs? Maps and postcards? Climbing gear? Do you know someone who has been to the top of Snowdon? Where is Snowdon and why is it famous? Do you know how you can get to the top without walking? See if you can find out!
Mrs Decaro

Blwyddyn Newydd Dda!

Hello Class 7!