
Hello Class 8.
Welcome to your new class!
I would love to hear from you!
Mrs Jones

Sunday 26 September 2010

A busy week!

We all really enjoyed this week - the line dancing was exciting (there was a lot of concentrating going on!) and Mrs Crawford Jones has agreed to come back again on Tuesday! The dolls' houses were fantastic - diolch Mrs Scaccia for bringing in your favourites- you are very clever! This week we are going to work in teams to make our own dolls' houses -planning, making, using and evaluating - should be fun! oh yes- and we have found an estate agent - Mr Rees, so we are looking forward to making an appointment with you soon...
Winnie's house is up and running - look out for the new activities added this week...and don't forget to bring your own ideas too...
We will also be learning why Christians celebrate Harvest followed by why Jewish people celebrate Sukkot - lots of new things to find out...- and your homework books go home for the first time this week - look out for the tasks and don't forget to add your comments..
Mrs Decaro

Sunday 19 September 2010

A great start!

What a great start to a new year....We are well away with our new topic- "Ble wyt ti'n byw?" and have started to set up our two role play areas- Winnie the Witch 's house in the area and an Estate Agent in the classroom. We are still looking for a real live estate agent to come and talk to us-  do you know of any?
Our two seren yr wythnos winners so far are - Max Parfitt - for great oral and written work- and Caitlin Lockett - for being ultra helpful and polite at all time! Who is next, I wonder?
An exciting week this week-  on Tuesday, Mrs Crawford Jones, Morgan's grandmother is coming to teach us how to line dance- yee ha! And on  Wednesday, Mrs Watts' mother is bringing in some doll's houses she has been renovating to tell us all about them. Don't forget to collect shoe boxes and small items of junk for us to make our group doll's houses starting next week...
We had a marvellous harvest of beans of all kinds in the Golden garden ...and we enjoyed investigating - and tasting the beans we collected. Diolch yn fawr Mrs Hewison for helping us clear the jungle that awaited us on our return to school.
That's all for now- don't forget to send me messages via the blog - especially good ideas for developing our class theme...the show and tell rota will be sent home this week - don't forget to note your date on your calendar!
Hwyl fawr!
Mrs Decaro

Thursday 2 September 2010

Croeso nol i'r ysgol!

Helo bawb! Croeso i'r dosbarth newydd- dosbarth 7.
I hope you all had a great holiday and kept safe! I am looking forward to seeing you all on Monday, bright and early , ready to settle in to year 2. It's your last year in the infants - so there is lots to learn!
I hope you are ready!
 Bring on the good times!
Mrs Decaro