
Hello Class 8.
Welcome to your new class!
I would love to hear from you!
Mrs Jones

Thursday 11 April 2013

Summer term already!!!!!

Welcome back to school everybody - and here we are making the most of our last term in the infants - and getting ready for the Juniors! Yeah!
We are already preparing for two exciting events- Dylan's turbo challenge next week - and a visit to the local dentist a week later.....the children have decided on a dentist role play in the class as part of our healthy living studies.....Evan Gale has decided he wants to be a dentist when he grows up - so is excited about  finding out all about the job!!!
"all things bright and beautiful, all creatures great and small!" is our theme- so we are looking forward to growing lots in the golden garden, and of course finding out lots about animals of all kinds. The children have all brought suggestions for our summer trip - we will look at them shortly - and vote for our favourite idea!
Don't forget to write a message on the blog telling me your ideas- what would YOU like to learn about this term? What activities would YOU like to do? Mmmmmm????
Hwyl fawr!
Mrs Decaro